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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sofa Pillows

Do-It-Yourself Decorating
Throw Pillows
Drawing on the colors of the sofa cover, I created an array of pillows to use as the back rest. First I recovered the old sofa throw pillows in the same blue as the skirt. I also made two smaller red pillows as accents. Then I sewed a pair in a tan upholstered print with homemade blue cording. You’d never guess what I put inside that cording—jump rope! It came well for my first time!
Sewing Button on Pillow
Finally, I made two extra-big pillows measuring almost 24” across. These were covered in a gold and red combo, with extravagant ruffles around the edges (may I never have to do that again) and fabric-covered buttons in their middles. This was quite some colony of pillows, and made for a very interesting sofa!


Anonymous said...

Lovely! Are you enjoying all those colorful pillows?

Anonymous said...

Can you come to my house next?

Anonymous said...

Nice job, came out nicely.

Susanna said...

Yes, we love all those pillows! I don't know if I'd want to go through making them again, though!:)