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Monday, July 23, 2012

Fresh Straw

Backyard Poultry
Pepper and Midnight in Straw
We put loose straw down inside the runs frequently so the chickens would have something fresh to scratch in when the ground was frozen. Their droppings got pretty concentrated over the winter in such a small space. The hens always loved to scratch through and eat the hay seeds left in the straw. By spring there was quite a layer of (somewhat moldy) straw to deal with, but it worked okay. The straw made great compost!


Anonymous said...

How was their egg-laying during the winter?

Susanna said...

It was actually really good, I think 5 or 6/day from 8 hens. I still don't know why they laid so well, after we put them through!

Anonymous said...

I never knew chickens loved straw so much.