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Saturday, July 28, 2012

New Henhouse

Backyard Poultry
Inside the New Coop
Here is the interior of the new addition to the henhouse. We are looking in from the tan access door in the last picture. The old henhouse wall is to the left, shed wall to the right, and a closed-off door on the end of the shed is directly ahead. We built up the floor with skids and scrapwood pieces again, making sure it was sealed tightly. This new part measures about 5’x8’, making for a combined house of 8’x9’, enough for about 24 chickens with a good outdoor run space (not including the rooster). Coming next spring will be a pophole door between both houses, and one in the wall directly ahead to the outdoor runs. Now it’s time to settle in and wait for spring to come!


Anonymous said...

HOw much did you actually spend for the additions?

Susanna said...

I don't remember for sure, but it was certainly under $50, just wood, hardware cloth, and paint, since we already had scrapwood and skids for the floor.

Anonymous said...

Very cozy little house. What about nestboxes and roosts?