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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Henhouse Makeover

Backyard Poultry
Construction in Progress
Okay, maybe makover is a stretch, but it was dawning on us that our chicken house had some major flaws. And that they had to be fixed before winter. The main issue was that the only way into the house was through the door on the end that we’re looking into in this photo. However, the chickens’ run had to be up against this same end whenever they were at home. Meaning we had to haul them out to grass every day in order to do the simple house chores. (A pain now, but impossible in two feet of winter snow!)
So… the remodeling began. Deciding to put a door in the opposite end of the henhouse, the roosts had to move to this side. Also, we had to relocate the nest boxes mounted in that far wall—we opted for inside boxes this time, which are there in the back. That brown board is covering the old opening, waiting for the door to be cut out.


Anonymous said...

I never thought about how chicken houses are built. Certainly is complicated!

Anonymous said...

It's funny the things you don't think about when you move a few chickens into a shed.