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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Fireworks 2

Artists' Gallery
Background Darks
Here is the beginning of the shaded areas of the picture. Dark colors are vital to all paintings. They give depth, create feeling, and punctuate the future highlights. I have had paintings that just didn’t “pop,” and that’s usually what the problem was. You should also use the darks to create general patterns and paths through the painting, especially in foliage like this, which I haven’t done very well so far. Remember, this is only my second large canvas to paint!


Anonymous said...

My, you know a lot. How did you learn?

Susanna said...

I have learned a lot simply from practice over the last few years, as well as a watercolor book I did in tenth grade and several acrylic books I've picked up. I also go to a group once a week to paint with other artists, who've given me some invaluable advice.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I've always wanted to watch a painting in progress!