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Monday, May 19, 2014


Backyard Poultry
Six New Chicks
The Rhode Island Reds have arrived! Remember in my previous post (see it here) I described the chick mix-up? The original ten Rhode Island Red chicks I ordered did not hatch in time, so they sent Golden Buffs instead. I took four Golden Buffs and reordered six RI Reds. And, two weeks later, here they are. This is how they looked on arrival--obviously already a couple days old since their wing feathers are growing out like crazy. They seemed to have already been started on food and water as well.
Temporary Room Mates
I stuck them down into the older chicks' box, but soon realized it wasn't the best idea. The one brooder light was not enough to keep both sets of chicks warm. But happily enough, my sister had also just received two little ducklings in the same order as the RI Reds. They were set up in the kitchen under a warm bulb. So in went the chicks with the two yellow ducklings for their first night. They got along pretty well, except that the ducklings liked to lie around and the chicks kept stepping on them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww, they're so cute!