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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

First Roost

Backyard Poultry
Miniature Roost
Maybe you spotted another change in the last picture of the brooder as well: the chicks' first roost. It's amazing to see the roosting instinct come out even in these tiny birds. As soon as I put in the low bar of wood (only a couple inches off the floor). the chicks started hopping up onto it. They crowded for spots to perch, and promptly fell asleep. It was so funny to see their little heads slowly drop down to the floor as they nodded off! The little birds still seemed to prefer sleeping on the floor in a heap at this point though. Of course, many chicks do not receive a roost at such an early age, and must be content with sleeping on the floor. In fact, a number of chicks (broiler chickens) never have a roost to sleep on, even into adulthood. So, it is certain a roost is not essential for a chicken's survival; happiness is a different question.


J Beachy said...

It's amazing how well they can balance at that early age.

Anonymous said...

Aww, they're getting so big, but still so cute!

Anonymous said...

I love how each chick has its head turned a different way!