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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Fish Pond Shed 1

  Artists Gallery
Encouraged by the relative success of my first painting in oils, I embarked on another. At this point I was actually taking a class every week in oil painting. So I chose a pretty ambitious picture to try. This scene is actually from the same set of fish ponds, and focuses on the little white shed where the fish keeper stored his fish supplies and feed. For whatever reason, I did not take any pictures until this stage, probably the third layer of oils.

I began with light blue sky, repeated in the water but going down into a deeper blue. The trees were a background of mahogany browns, highlighted in an almost purplish-red on the tree tops. The grass, in turn, came out a range of ochre-tinted greens, with a plain ochre strip midway back. This made for a very interesting combination of colors in the painting, one which I was not too thrilled with. But my art teacher seemed to be happy with the bold use of color, and I went on a painted in the shed. Getting those rooflines straight was something else.

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