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Monday, October 31, 2011

In the Garden

Backyard Poultry
"Chicken Tractor"
Can you guess what’s inside this unusual structure in the garden? Yes—of course—chickens! Inside portable runs (covered with sheets for shade) the chickens till up the soil without being able to gobble up the rest of the garden plants. They act like they’re at the amusement park! The only difficulty was getting the runs in there—you should have watched us maneuver them in between the garden rows, with chickens inside!

Scratch Away!
Here are the chickens inside their palace. They turn over, aerate, weed, and fertilize the soil for the gardener while searching for the insects and earthworms they love. On the downside, these early outings taught my flock to love the garden; now they always make a beeline for it when I let them free-range!
Striking Gold
Now we see, even when confined the chickens would rather eat plants than dirt! From underneath the run covering, Puzzle and the hens discovered those lovely bean leaves were within reach. By the end of the day, all the leaves within six inches of the wire were gone. Oh well, maybe it will get those eggs coming sooner!!


Anonymous said...

Wow, the coddled life of a chicken.

Anonymous said...

I thought that looked like that ornery rooster again!

Anonymous said...

Would you do that again or was one summer enough??

Susanna said...

No, generally the work involved with a setup like this outweighs the benefits, and becomes impractical with a larger flock. I've found better ways to let the hens free-range now as well.

Anonymous said...

The brown hen standing in the doorway in the middle picture looks a little silly with its head turned around:-)!