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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

New Chicken Run

Backyard Poultry
Exploring the Pen
Eventually it dawned on us that one run was not going to be enough for eight hens and one very big rooster. Also, the run’s weight was getting to us. So, we set out to build a very light run that could join to the first for more space. By cutting down 2x4s to 1x2s, using corner braces for supports, and replacing one-inch wire with two-inch, we cut the weight down by more than half.
Completed Frame
This is what the assembled frame, measuring three feet by six feet, looked like without the wire. The corner braces made the structure quite sturdy. You can see the door on the end which slides in and out. This proved to be a good design and we built several more like it.
Now we see what the chickens think of it. They were always very cautious of anything new, but soon they began to really enjoy running in and out of the door between the runs. Here we see Acorn trying out the new doorstep. The Rhode Island Red in front was later named Cherry; it was one of Puzzle’s favorite hens.


Anonymous said...

That took a lot of vision and enthusiasm, that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

Very clever set-up!I guess you could keep switching the lay-out on them and keep their little minds occupied. :)

Anonymous said...

What do you think that chicken is thinking??

Anonymous said...

Acorn looks a lot like a cat with only two feet!