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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Autumn Pastorale 4

Artist's Gallery
Trees Take Shape
Now the autumn colors are really blossoming. I worked golden yellow, bright red, and emerald green highlights into the forest, with sepia brown for the shadows. I sharpened up the buildings a lot too. Also notice the cows, fence, and birdhouses; they’re harder than they look! This is actually my favorite stage of the painting, with the brilliant colors and perfect mirror reflection. But I thought the scene needed a little more activity, so I went on and messed with it a bit more.


Anonymous said...

you made the cows look very natural.

Anonymous said...

Did you copy this from a photograph, or did you just make it up?

Susanna said...

I had two reference photographs of the ponds that I sort of combined, changed colors, etc. to make the painting I wanted.