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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Coping with Heat

Backyard Poultry
Dust Baths
Summer temperatures tend to be the hardest on chickens; their feathers, little exposed skin, and active bodies only keep them warmer. The hens do pant like a dog and hold their wings away from their bodies to let out heat. And then they take dust baths. The chickens work cool dirt up into their feathers, rubbing away oils and grease, and then shake it all out. A good preening makes the feathers nice and shiny.
Wet Sheet
We also read about hanging a wet sheet up to make a cool breeze. The only thing was that it had to be sprayed every half hour to keep it wet on ninety-degree days. This proved to be quite effective, though, and the chickens never seemed to suffer from the heat.
Lentil Treat
The last strategy is giving extra treats. This not only distracts them, but also helps the hens get enough protein when the heat discourages them from eating. We used mash (wet feed), rolled oats, and cooked lentils—and our chickens sure were spoiled! You can see here they are greedily gobbling it up!


Anonymous said...

That's a cute picture - looks like a chicken flower!

Anonymous said...

I've never seeen chickens snuggled down like that.

Anonymous said...

I guess little piglet has to stand on the plate in order to get its share.

Anonymous said...

You're sure a knowledgeable chicken lady. :) Where did you get all your ideas?

Susanna said...

A lot of what I know is from trial and ERROR, but I also read several helpful books that gave ideas. My favorite was called "Living with Chickens" by Jay Rossier.