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Monday, June 15, 2015

Indian Canoe

Ohio History
Transportation by Water
Outside the Native American dwellings were a few things you might have found in an Indian's backyard. The canoe above was very interesting. We could see the marks where it had been carved out of a solid log. The ends had been carefully chiseled to a point to glide smoothly through the water. I was struck again by how small it was. I can't imagine sitting in this little boat out in a wide river though. I wonder if these canoes ever tipped over? I think I might opt to walk if I was an Indian. But then, there were no real roads, and waterways served as the highways in Indian days. Travel could be accomplished so much more quickly, and these shallow canoes could navigate all but the smallest streams.
Herb Garden
Nearby was a pretty little garden. It is amazing to think how much the Indians know about different plants and what they could do medicinally. I recognized the yarrow although it was not yet flowering; its yellow flowers can be dried and used for tea for a cold or infection. I believe that is bee balm in the back, and possibly some lavender in the front right corner. The Indians also knew how to gather many wild plants and herbs that were beneficial for all kinds of ailments. However, some plants were cultivated out of necessity or for convenience. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful garden! Funny how herbology is making a rebound . . .