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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Venturing Out

Backyard Poultry
The Brave and the Timid
The first few pullets finally made it out into the pen. Like the rooster, the Golden Buffs became interested in the bits of greenery as well as the novelty of dirt. Aren't they pretty in the afternoon sunshine? A few more pullets followed the lead of the Golden Buffs. Birchie, the white Araucana, bravely jumped down the cement steps, followed by a nervously curious Buff Orpington and Rhode Island Red. The others, however, would not venture out from the safety of the doorway. This often happens in a chicken flock. Though all the birds are scared at first, a few of them are brave enough to try out the new and scary activity or environment after a short while. However, others are too timid to ever give it a try, and may never become accustomed to the new environment. It seemed that might be true of the majority of my chickie flock this time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those new feathers are really pretty!