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Monday, March 23, 2015

Creative Quilts

Ohio History
Rainbow Apron
And last of all, here are a few fun pieces. This button apron was included the quilt display. It really is a work of art. Imagine collecting such an array of colorful buttons, arranging them in a pleasing pattern, and sewing every single one on - with pink thread! Did you even know some of these colors existed? If you look closely you just might see a gold star, a music note, and two silver sea shells. What else can you find? And then look beneath the buttons at the apron, which is actually a patchwork quilt itself. I do not even know where I would start putting something like this together. It certainly is beautiful though. The touch of lace around the edges is just right to finish it off.
Doll Quilt
This quilt, on the other hand, was actually in the National African American Museum's Doll exhibit (see it here), but it seemed fitting to include it with the quilts. In fact, you can see a bit of it in the Raggedy Ann & Andy display case from my post here. It is such an adorable quilt! I would not be surprised if the person who made it also sewed the dolls from scratch. Their tiny, delicate dresses coordinate perfectly with the quilt. I believe the hearts also have a bit of stuffing to give them some body. This was a perfect end to this fun display of dolls and quilts!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love both of these! It would be fun to meet the quilt makers.