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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Spring Snow

Backyard Poultry
Spring Snowfall
We received a surprise blanket of snow yesterday, piling up to almost five inches by evening. Crazy weather for the last week of March! At least we know that it can't stick around for too long. I'm not sure what the chickens thought of it, whether they know that we are officially in spring now, not winter, but in general they are very wary of snow! It partly depends on the breed: the Barred Rocks hardly notice the white crystals under their feet, while the Rhode Island Reds will not budge off the clear ground.
Here is a photo of the three Buff Orpingtons exploring the snow back in December. With a little prompting, they walked all the way out to the fence line. I like the expression on the front hen's face--they seemed to think the snow might suck their feet in or something!
Exploration Crew

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