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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Darby Creek 3

Artist's Gallery
Adding the Bridge
After doing some more work on trees, I carefully pulled all that tape off the bridge. Then I brushed on a base coat of rusty red—almost brown—and light brown on the wood. It was easy to get it straight, as long as I stayed in the lines! This picture’s composition is proving to be quite attention-getting. This is because the focal point (where the creek disappears on the horizon) is a “sweet spot” in the picture. (The sweet spots in any picture are where the lines cross when you divide it in thirds both ways. These are the most pleasing places for focal points.) The trees along the bank and the triangular rail both lead the eye to the focal point as well.


Anonymous said...

Amazing how you got the shading on the spindles coming down from the railing.

Anonymous said...

The trees are so detailed, looks like the sun is really shining on them.