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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Possum Creek Metro Park

Ohio History
Lake View
Well, that's enough history for one morning. It was time to find a quiet spot for a picnic lunch. There was no better place than Possum Creek Metro Park, nestled in the heart of Dayton. Yes I did say Possum Creek, maybe not a picturesque resort, but certainly a nice peaceful lake and a pavilion! This park is part of the Dayton Metro Park system, and was thus beautiful and well cared for. There were probably a few hiking trails around the lake and through the woods as well.
The most interesting thing to me, however, was inspecting the neighboring farm and, more specifically, the chicken tractor. Yes, a chicken house on wheels, right off the page from the poultry books! It had exterior-opening nest boxes on the side, an access ramp leading up to a little door that could be closed at night, and I believe an electric fence to contain the chickens. It could be moved periodically to give the poultry new grass and/or prevent the decimation of a given patch of field. Did you spot the chickens in the photo? Yes, they are all hiding under the tractor . . . they don't seem to appreciate the new grass very much.
Dayton Chicken Tractor


Anonymous said...

What a cure chicken tractor! Did you see any possums?!

Susanna said...

No, happily enough. The chickens wouldn't have been very safe near a possum!

J Beachy said...

That looks like a very peaceful lake.