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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Puzzle's New Flock

Backyard Poultry
Chicken Rainbow
Here is Puzzle's new, beautiful flock, including Rhode Island Reds, Brown Leghorns, Araucanas, and Buff Orpingtons. You might wonder what happened, they were all so peacefully walking around in the last picture. Well, as soon as we dumped the wood shavings out of Puzzle's carrying box, all the hens ran over and began fighting over them!! I don't know if it was the scratch or wood shavings they were after (chickens do eat wood chips, you know). They were all such beautiful and friendly hens. Their owner is a farmer, and lets them free-range in a movable pen during the summer. We had actually visited his farm and bought seed garlic from him several years back, so it was wonderful to know Puzzle was going to a good home!
Well, Puzzle, What Do You Say?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a happy ending for Puzzle!