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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Winter Poultry Runs

Backyard Poultry
Tarp-Covered Run Against Pophole Door
Want to see our chicken run tarps in action? Observe, there is snow all around, but not on the heavy-duty tarp nicely protecting the run. And underneath are the happy chickens enjoying dry dirt to stretch their legs on! Oh, and for insulation, there are a couple straw bales under the tarp too. The crates of rocks hold it down in strong winds, along with our handy-dandy bungee cords! Yes, this system did work pretty well, just a couple catches: 1) must keep snow swept off to less than 1/2” or it will freeze rock-hard, 2) cannot access dirt or chickens inside run without a half-hour operation on tarp, and 3) chickens get a tiny bit bored cooped up on 20 square feet of frozen dirt. But, as I said, it worked well enough!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No wonder people pay so much for those expensive chicken houses This looks like hard work!