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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Three Weeks Old

Backyard Poultry
Getting Bigger
We had better get back to those chickies - they are growing faster than you can imagine! At three weeks, they were nearly all decked out in feathers instead of down. And at least five times bigger (in my estimation). The chicks did not tire so easily, and spent more of the night sleeping and more of the day moving about. They were still in that discovery stage where everything in the world seemed new and adventurous. They curiously checked out each new delivery of chopped greens I dropped in. And they kept a close eye on their neighbors, the little Rhode Island Reds you can see in the bottom left corner behind the screen. In fact, all the breeds are represented in this photo - can you pick out the Buff Orpington, Barred Rock, Golden Buffs, and Araucanas?

1 comment:

Pilgrim said...

Would love to see these chicks.