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Sunday, May 24, 2015

Enjoying the Sunshine

Backyard Poultry
Finally Outdoors 
At last, each of the chicks had been outside at least once (regardless of whether it had immediately run back inside). Some of them were actually becoming rather contented outdoors. I was finally able to climb back out of the chicken house and come around to the pen. It was a beautiful sight to see the little chicks out and enjoying the sunshine. They were looking in wonder at the huge world around them. You might notice that many of them have their heads turned, looking up. They had never before been without a roof above their heads, ever since arriving as day-old chicks. Seeing only blue sky way up above was quite a shock, as well as a threat. Chickens are naturally afraid of anything airborne - even shadows - passing over their heads. After all, hawks, owls, and other such birds of prey will swoop down to make a catch on any exposed poultry. The absence of a roof signified this danger, and caused a reaction of caution from the chicks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Amazing how God gives them just the instincts they need!