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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Spring Bouquets

Artist's Gallery
Daffodils of the Rainbow
These colorful bouquets were done in colored pencil. I painstakingly layered each different area of color with a dark shade for the shadows, a medium shade for the actual color, and a light shade for the highlights. Then I would move on to the next color area and repeat the process. Once again, all the flowers came from a bulb catalog - where else can you find so many types of daffodils? My favorite was the white daffodil with a pink center, although I also like how the white one on the left with the multicolored center came out. The blue bow was fun to draw and sets them off nicely. But I most enjoyed coloring the bows on the envelope and then lifting the flap to split them in half!
As for the flowers below, they are either peonies or oversized begonias, I am not sure. The colors certainly came out vividly - just look at that shockingly pink ribbon. The delicate clumps of daisies set everything off nicely. I think this one looks a little more real than the top one. Both drawings, which are 5x7 cards by the way, made lovely gifts to send to my pen friends in Germany and Austria.
Pink Bouquet

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It does look like you had fun doing these! :)