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Saturday, March 7, 2015


Ohio History
Making Music
We also enjoyed examining a display of traditional African instruments. Many were made and played by African Americans in early America as well. The topmost instrument was fairly recognizable as a xylophone, but the others were more difficult to distinguish. I am sure they all had special names, but sadly I do not remember them. On the right are some kind of morocco or shaker instruments, and the one beside those looks suspiciously like a guitar. I have played a typical guitar, and I really must say I think this one looks as though it could fall apart if it got into my hands!
African Drum
 This instrument is the "Dun Dun Drum" and originates from West Africa. It is also called the African Talking Drum since the drummer can actually change the pitch of the drum. This is accomplished by squeezing and releasing the strings that run the length of the drum, which changed the size of the drum and thus the sound produced. These drums could be used to send messages and announce visiting groups from very long distances.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That would be so cool to send a message on a drum. Nice shots!