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Sunday, September 7, 2014

Little Reds

Backyard Poultry
Playing Grownup
The little Rhode Island Reds were doing their best to act grown up with their older coop-mates. Above, one little chick is trying to take a dust bath in the wood shavings litter! I'm not sure how effective it was. But if you look closely at the Red standing beside it, you can see the whole wing-full of new feathers coming out. You might be surprised at the amount of black and white on what is supposed to be a red-brown chicken. Well, Rhode Island Reds actually can have stripes of black show up in their wing or tail feathers.
Pinecone and Chickie
The older chicks, like I said, almost became like little mothers for the Rhode Island Reds. In this picture, a Red chick appears to almost snuggle up beside one of the elegant Araucanas, Pinecone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awwww! That almost looks like a feather dress, with those skinny legs sticking out. :D