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Friday, June 7, 2013

Chicken Toys

Backyard Poultry

Coop Invador??
Well, if you thought that my long delay in posting meant that my chicken woes are over, I'm sorry to inform you differently. Just because chickens have the most luxurious house, treats fit for a king, and two hours of daily attention from loving keepers, doesn't mean they will stay out of trouble! And what trouble those little sharp beaks can cause. Turns out the feathers of other chickens are desired even over scratch grain by the biddies in my coop. And I am not just referring to loose feathers blowing around the pen. Do you get the picture? Anyway, I went to the thrift store and got a couple baby toys to amuse the hens. I took this picture just after hanging up one of the toys in the chicken run. The hens seem to think a UFO or some other extraterrestrial creature has paid them a visit!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a cute picture! Maybe they are considering whether their chick babies need one.