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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Four-Eyes Fish

Ohio History
A Fishy Fish
Okay, I know this looks like a really weird picture, but we never knew what we were going to see next in the Shore Gallery at the Aquarium! This fish is called the Largescale Four-eyes, because, technically, it really does have four eyes. You see, its eyes are divided horizontally into two halves by thin tissue. The fish swims at water level, as in the picture above, and its eyes can actually focus simultaneously above and below the water. Pretty handy, right? Except I think this ability would give me a headache pretty fast! According to the sign, Largescale Four-eyes can get up to twelve inches long, although these were only four or five inches. I'd never seen such a weird fish. They looked even worse when they dipped below water level and swam to the bottom of the tank!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pretty cool!