Gluten-Free Gourmet
Straining Sauce |
This delicious sauce has a marvelous flavor and color. It’s relatively easy to make and lasts for a week or two in the fridge. I’ve had great results with both fresh and frozen strawberries.
Heat in a small saucepan and simmer, covered, 10 minutes:
2 c. fresh strawberries, washed & hulled, OR 2 c. frozen strawberries
1 c. water 1/4 c. honey
1 t. cinnamon 1 t. lemon juice
Uncover and simmer 30 minutes, til very soft.
Then pour through a fine strainer to separate the pulp. Put the juice back into a clean pan and add water to equal about 1 1/2 c. Heat gently. Meanwhile, combine and let stand 5 minutes to dissolve:
1/4 c. water 1 1/2 t. gelatin
Ready to Eat |
Stir into the juice mixture and remove from heat. Refrigerate for 6-8 hours, stirring occasionally, until it’s like jelly. Drizzle it over the cheesecake for a cool fruit flavor, or use it for strawberry icing—I’ll show that tomorrow!